Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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973 lines
-- --
-- Library Unit: Prover -- Prove or process user requests --
-- --
-- Author: Bradley L. Richards --
-- --
-- Version Date Notes . . . --
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
-- 1.0 - - - - - Never existed. First version implemented after --
-- Parser et al reached version 2.0 --
-- 2.0 20 Jun 86 Initial Version --
-- 2.05 13 Jul 86 Split into separate spec and package files --
-- 2.1 21 Jul 86 Demonstration version -- initial predicates --
-- implemented; initial debugging completed --
-- 2.2 28 Jul 86 Initial operational version -- 20 predicates --
-- implemented, plus lots of squashed bugs --
-- 2.3 19 Aug 86 Use AVL trees for rule_base, add many reserved --
-- predicates, and split output routines into --
-- package print_stuff. --
-- 2.4 31 Aug 86 Split do_reserved into separate file --
-- 2.5 1 Sep 86 Split execute into separate file --
-- 3.0 10 Oct 86 Final thesis product --
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
-- --
-- Description: This package contains only one visible routine: Prove. --
-- Prove is nothing but a shell for the primary resolution routine --
-- Seek. After Proveand the AVL comparison routines, all routines --
-- appear in alphabetical order. --
-- --
-- Seek (and many other routines herein) is a recursive routine. It --
-- accepts an initial goal_tree from Prove and resolves a single --
-- predicate. It then passes the revised goal_tree (possibly --
-- heavily modified due to new goals, etc.) to a recursive call of --
-- itself. --
-- --
-- Other important routines: Unify attempts to unify two predicates --
-- and their arguments, creating bindings as necessary. Do_reserved --
-- processes reserved predicates. Execute executes operators of all --
-- types (arithmetic, comparison, logical). --
-- --
-- Most of the routines in this package are recursive. In order --
-- to successfully backtrack, it is critical that each time a routine --
-- is called it creates a local copy of anything it plans to modify --
-- Two important examples are the goal_tree and the binding list. --
-- --
-- --
-- Package Body --
-- --
package body prover is
aborting, cutting, trace_mode : boolean := false;
cutting_level : integer;
current_truth : float;
quote : constant boolean := true;
no_quote : constant boolean := false;
threshold : fuzzy_values;
rule_base : tree_ptr := init_tree;
-- Specifications for all procedures. Forward referencing all procedures
-- saves the headache of figuring out which ones need forward references.
procedure find_bond(var_name : name_ptr; var_level : natural;
bindings : binding_list; value : out argument_ptr;
value_level : out integer);
procedure find_first(goal_tree, modify, place : in out AST_ptr;
bindings : in out binding_list;
res_level : in out natural; failed : in out boolean);
procedure insert(goal_tree, replace : in out AST_ptr;
modify, new_goals : in AST_ptr; level : natural);
procedure lookup(arg_node : AST_ptr; level : natural;
bindings : binding_list; value_out : out argument_ptr;
level_out : out integer);
procedure lookup(args : argument_ptr; level : natural;
bindings : binding_list; value_out : out argument_ptr;
level_out : out integer );
procedure release(bindings, stop : binding_list);
function seek(goal_tree_in : in AST_ptr; bindings_in : binding_list;
level : natural) return boolean;
procedure start_prover;
procedure stop_prover;
procedure trace(set_trace : boolean);
procedure trace_entry(pred, goal_tree : AST_ptr; bindings : binding_list;
level, res_level : natural; failed : in out boolean);
procedure trace_exit(pred, goal_tree : AST_ptr; bindings : binding_list;
level, res_level : natural; failed : in out boolean);
procedure trace_fail(pred, goal_tree : AST_ptr; bindings : binding_list;
level, res_level : natural; failed : in out boolean);
procedure trace_print(goal_tree : AST_ptr; bindings : binding_list;
failed : in out boolean);
procedure unify(predicate1, predicate2 : AST_ptr;
res_level, level : natural; bindings : in out binding_list;
unified : out boolean);
procedure unify_list(predicate1, predicate2 : p_list_ptr;
res_level, level : natural;
bindings : in out binding_list; unified : out boolean);
procedure unify_arg(arg_node1, arg_node2 : AST_ptr;
res_level, level : natural;
bindings : in out binding_list; unified : out boolean);
procedure unify_arg(arg1, arg2 : argument_ptr;
res_level, level : natural;
bindings : in out binding_list; unified : out boolean);
-- Forward references for separate routines.
-- Do_reserved is in file do_reservedB.a
procedure do_reserved(pred, goal_tree : AST_ptr; result_node : out AST_ptr;
bindings : in out binding_list; level : natural;
failed : in out boolean);
-- Execute is in file executeB.a
procedure execute(operator : in out AST_ptr; bindings : in out binding_list;
level : natural; failed : in out boolean);
-- These print routines are in file print_stuffB.a
procedure print_argument( argument : argument_ptr; bindings : binding_list;
level : natural; quotes : boolean );
procedure print_arguments( in_arguments : argument_ptr;
bindings : binding_list; level : natural;
quotes : boolean );
procedure print_AST( ast_node : AST_ptr; indent : integer );
procedure print_bin_op( operator : binary_operators );
procedure put_bin_op( operator : binary_operators );
procedure print_bindings(bindings_in : binding_list; indent : natural );
procedure print_clause( clause : AST_ptr );
procedure print_list( in_list : p_list_ptr; bindings : binding_list;
level : natural; quotes : boolean );
procedure print_list_tail( in_list : p_list_ptr; bindings : binding_list;
level : natural; quotes : boolean );
procedure print_predicate( node : AST_ptr; indent : natural;
bindings : binding_list;
level : natural );
procedure print_reserved( node : AST_ptr; indent : natural;
bindings : binding_list;
level : natural );
procedure put_reserved( reserved_predicate : reserved_predicates );
procedure print_result( bindings_in : binding_list;
done : out boolean);
procedure print_un_op(operator : unary_operators);
procedure put_un_op(operator : unary_operators);
procedure space(number : natural);
-- Routines for processing reserved words are maintained in a separate
-- file. They are not kept as a separate package because their processing
-- really is an implicit part of the Prover's task.
procedure do_reserved(pred, goal_tree : AST_ptr; result_node : out AST_ptr;
bindings : in out binding_list; level : natural;
failed : in out boolean) is separate;
-- Routines for executing operators are kept in a separate file. The real
-- reason for all these separate files is to keep individual file size
-- (and compilation time) down, and to enhance readability of the listings.
procedure execute(operator : in out AST_ptr; bindings : in out binding_list;
level : natural; failed : in out boolean) is separate;
-- Print routines are maintained in a separate file
procedure print_argument( argument : argument_ptr; bindings : binding_list;
level : natural; quotes : boolean ) is separate;
procedure print_arguments( in_arguments : argument_ptr;
bindings : binding_list; level : natural;
quotes : boolean ) is separate;
procedure print_AST( ast_node : AST_ptr; indent : integer ) is separate;
procedure print_bin_op( operator : binary_operators ) is separate;
procedure put_bin_op( operator : binary_operators ) is separate;
procedure print_bindings(bindings_in : binding_list;
indent : natural ) is separate;
procedure print_clause( clause : AST_ptr ) is separate;
procedure print_list( in_list : p_list_ptr; bindings : binding_list;
level : natural; quotes : boolean ) is separate;
procedure print_list_tail( in_list : p_list_ptr; bindings : binding_list;
level : natural; quotes : boolean ) is separate;
procedure print_predicate( node : AST_ptr; indent : natural;
bindings : binding_list;
level : natural ) is separate;
procedure print_reserved( node : AST_ptr; indent : natural;
bindings : binding_list;
level : natural ) is separate;
procedure put_reserved(reserved_predicate : reserved_predicates) is separate;
procedure print_result( bindings_in : binding_list;
done : out boolean) is separate;
procedure print_un_op(operator : unary_operators) is separate;
procedure put_un_op(operator : unary_operators) is separate;
procedure space(number : natural) is separate;
-- Procedures for use by the AVL package when comparing clauses
function clause_equal( a, b : AST_ptr ) return boolean is
return(a.head.name.name = b.head.name.name);
end clause_equal;
function clause_less_than( a, b : AST_ptr ) return boolean is
return(a.head.name.name < b.head.name.name);
end clause_less_than;
-- Prove -- accept a goal from the calling unit and process it.
procedure prove( goal : in AST_ptr ) is
-- goal must be an AST_ptr which points to a predicate or reserved
-- predicate of some sort. Reserved predicates require special
-- processing of some sort.
if seek(goal, null, 1) then
end if;
end prove;
-- Find_bond -- Given a variable name and its level, return what it is
-- bound to. If it is not bound, return null.
procedure find_bond( var_name : name_ptr; var_level : natural;
bindings : binding_list;
value : out argument_ptr; value_level : out integer ) is
binding : binding_list := bindings;
while binding /= null loop
if binding.name.name = var_name.name and binding.level = var_level then
-- we've found the binding
value := binding.value;
value_level := binding.value_level;
end if;
binding := binding.next_binding;
end loop;
if binding = null then -- not found
value := null;
value_level := 0;
end if;
end find_bond;
-- Find_first -- Given a goal_tree, do a pre-order walk through it looking
-- for the first predicate which still needs resolved. When
-- walking the tree, execute any operators which are ready
-- (i.e. have their operands defined).
-- Comparison and arithmetic operators will always be
-- executed when found. Logic operators will be executed only
-- if their operands have been resolved to fuzzy_value nodes.
-- On return, "place" points to the unresolved
-- predicate if one was found. If this predicate is not at
-- the top of the tree then "modify" points to its parent.
procedure find_first(goal_tree, modify, place : in out AST_ptr;
bindings : in out binding_list; res_level : in out natural;
failed : in out boolean ) is
temp : AST_ptr;
temp_level : natural;
if goal_tree.node_type = fuzzy_value then
current_truth := goal_tree.fuzzy_num;
place := null; -- at the bottom of the tree
elsif goal_tree.node_type = threshold_marker then
current_truth := goal_tree.fuzzy_value;
place := null; -- at the bottom of the tree
elsif (goal_tree.node_type = predicate) or
(goal_tree.node_type = reserved_predicate) then
place := goal_tree;
modify := null;
elsif goal_tree.node_type = unary_operator then
place := null;
if goal_tree.unary_op = rw_not then -- a logic operator
find_first(goal_tree.operand,modify,place, bindings, res_level, failed);
end if;
if (place = null) and (not failed) then -- operand is ready, so execute
execute(goal_tree, bindings, res_level, failed);
elsif (modify = null) and (not failed) then -- unresolved predicate is the
-- child of "goal_tree"
modify := goal_tree;
end if; -- otherwise just pass back what was found lower in goal_tree
elsif goal_tree.node_type = binary_operator then
-- Don't look below comparison or arithmetic operators
place := null;
if goal_tree.binary_op in binary_logic_operators then
end if;
if (place = null) and (not failed) then -- left operand is resolved
if goal_tree.binary_op in binary_logic_operators then
end if;
if (place = null) and (not failed) then -- both operands resolved
execute(goal_tree, bindings, res_level, failed);
elsif (modify = null) and (not failed) then
modify := goal_tree;
end if;
elsif (modify = null) and (not failed) then
modify := goal_tree;
end if;
elsif goal_tree.node_type = resolution_marker then
temp_level := goal_tree.level;
threshold := goal_tree.old_threshold;
find_first(goal_tree.subgoals, modify, place, bindings, temp_level, failed);
if (place = null) and (not failed) then -- throw away the marker node
threshold := goal_tree.old_threshold; -- but first restore threshold
temp := goal_tree;
goal_tree := goal_tree.subgoals;
release(temp, temp.subgoals);
if goal_tree.node_type = threshold_marker then
-- Cannot allow upward propogation of thresholds
temp := new AST'(fuzzy_value, goal_tree.fuzzy_value);
release(goal_tree, null);
goal_tree := temp;
end if;
elsif (not failed) then
if goal_tree.level /= temp_level then -- found a new level lower down
res_level := temp_level;
else -- this marker node is the lowest one
res_level := goal_tree.level;
end if;
if modify = null then
modify := goal_tree;
end if;
end if;
else -- we're apparently at a leaf node in the depths of the tree
place := null;
end if;
end find_first;
procedure insert( goal_tree, replace : in out AST_ptr;
modify, new_goals : in AST_ptr;
level : natural) is
goals : AST_ptr := new AST'(resolution_marker, level, threshold, new_goals);
if modify = null then -- modify top of tree
goal_tree := goals;
elsif modify.node_type = unary_operator then
modify.operand := goals;
elsif modify.node_type = binary_operator then
if modify.left_operand = replace then
modify.left_operand := goals;
else -- right_operand
modify.right_operand := goals;
end if;
elsif modify.node_type = resolution_marker then
modify.subgoals := goals;
error(no_pointer,"insert: Modify points to invalid node type");
end if;
replace := goals;
end insert;
procedure lookup( arg_node : AST_ptr; level : natural;
bindings : binding_list; value_out : out argument_ptr;
level_out : out integer) is
template : constant argument_ptr := new argument'(variable, null, null);
case arg_node.node_type is
when character_lit =>
value_out := new argument'(character_lit, null, arg_node.char);
level_out := level;
when float_num =>
value_out := new argument'(float_num, null, arg_node.fp_num);
level_out := level;
when integer_num =>
value_out := new argument'(integer_num, null, arg_node.int_num);
level_out := level;
when predicate =>
value_out := new argument'(predicate, null, arg_node.name,
level_out := level;
when variable =>
template.v_name := arg_node.var_name;
lookup(template, level, bindings, value_out, level_out);
when fuzzy_value =>
value_out := new argument'(float_num, null, arg_node.fuzzy_num);
level_out := level;
when others =>
error(no_pointer, "invalid node to lookup");
end case;
end lookup;
procedure lookup( args : argument_ptr; level : natural;
bindings : binding_list; value_out : out argument_ptr;
level_out : out integer) is
value : argument_ptr;
value_level : natural;
if args.is_a /= variable then
value_out := args;
level_out := level;
else -- it is a variable
if args.v_name = null then -- it's anonymous
value_out := args;
level_out := level;
find_bond(args.v_name, level, bindings, value, value_level);
if value /= null then -- it does have a binding, so go look IT up
lookup(value, value_level, bindings, value_out, level_out);
value_out := args;
level_out := level;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end lookup;
-- Release -- Return memory to the system using UNCHECKED_DEALLOCATION.
-- Release routines are necessary since the current Verdix
-- Compiler does not include an automatic garbage collector.
-- Releases all items within the structure UP TO the "stop"
-- value.
procedure release(bindings, stop : binding_list) is
ptr : binding_list := bindings;
rid : binding_list;
while ptr /= stop loop
rid := ptr;
ptr := ptr.next_binding;
end loop;
end release;
-- Seek -- Attempt to justify the goals based on the rule_base. This is
-- a highly recursive routine. Backtracking is accomplished by
-- returning with the value false. Returning with the value true
-- indicates a successful resolution.
function seek(goal_tree_in : in AST_ptr; bindings_in : binding_list;
level : natural) return boolean is
db_ptr : AST_ptr;
modify, pred, replace : AST_ptr := null;
goal_tree, new_goals : AST_ptr;
bindings_ff : binding_list := bindings_in;
bindings : binding_list;
been_here, done, failed : boolean := false;
is_NOT, unified : boolean;
res_level : natural := 0;
template : constant AST_ptr := new AST'(implication,
new AST'(predicate, null, null), null, null, null);
function replicate (in_tree : AST_ptr) return AST_ptr is
if in_tree = null then
return null;
case in_tree.node_type is
when implication =>
return new AST'(implication, replicate(in_tree.head),
replicate(in_tree.tail), in_tree.prev,
when binary_operator =>
return new AST'(binary_operator, in_tree.binary_op,
when unary_operator =>
return new AST'(unary_operator, in_tree.unary_op,
when resolution_marker =>
return new AST'(resolution_marker, in_tree.level,
in_tree.old_threshold, replicate(in_tree.subgoals));
when others =>
return new AST'(in_tree.all);
end case;
end if;
end replicate;
begin -- seek
-- Since we plan to modify the goal tree, we need our own local copy
-- to allow successful backtracking
goal_tree := replicate(goal_tree_in);
-- Do a pre-order walk through the goal-tree looking for a predicate to
-- resolve. Enroute execute any operators we can. In some cases such
-- as "=" this may modify the bindings. On return, predicate points to
-- the predicate needing resolution, and modify points to its parent
find_first(goal_tree, modify, pred, bindings_ff, res_level, failed);
-- executing comparators may have changed bindings, so save the _ff version
bindings := bindings_ff;
if current_truth < threshold then
failed := true;
end if;
if (pred = null) and (not failed) then -- no more unresolved predicates
if goal_tree.node_type = fuzzy_value then
print_result(bindings, done);
raise prover_error;
end if;
elsif not failed then
replace := pred;
while (not done) and (not failed) loop
if trace_mode then
trace_entry(pred, goal_tree, bindings, level, res_level, failed);
exit when aborting;
end if;
if pred.node_type = reserved_predicate then
if been_here then
failed := true; -- can never resatisfy built-in predicates
if pred.predicate = cut then
cutting := true;
cutting_level := res_level;
end if;
do_reserved(pred,goal_tree, new_goals, bindings, res_level, failed);
if pred.predicate /= rw_repeat then
been_here := true;
end if;
end if;
-- Search through the database for something which unifies with it
if not been_here then
template.head.name := pred.name;
db_ptr := fetch_node(rule_base, template);
been_here := true;
end if;
while db_ptr /= null loop
unify(pred, db_ptr.head, res_level, level, bindings, unified);
exit when unified;
-- We may have made a few bindings before running into a dead end
release(bindings, bindings_ff);
bindings := bindings_ff;
db_ptr := db_ptr.next;
end loop;
if db_ptr = null then -- we failed to unify it with anything
failed := true;
current_truth := 1.0; -- successful resolution
new_goals := db_ptr.tail;
db_ptr := db_ptr.next; -- advance to next in case of backtracking
end if;
end if;
-- Failed requires special logic. In Prolog the NOT operator affects
-- its operand immediately; e.g. if the operand can be resolved, NOT
-- makes it appear as though it could not be resolved. With the fuzzy
-- values in Fuzzy Prolog this becomes a significant exception to the
-- logic. To maintain compatibility with Prolog, Seek is modified to
-- process predicates who parent is a NOT specially. If the parent
-- fails, the result becomes fuzzy(0.0) for a single pass through the
-- logic (the while loop catches the failure on the next pass). If the
-- child succeeds with resolution (or do_reserved), the complement of
-- the current truth value is immediately compared with the threshold
-- to see if processing should be allowed to continue.
is_NOT := (modify /= null) and then
(modify.node_type = unary_operator) and then
(modify.unary_op = rw_not);
if (failed and (not is_NOT)) or
((not failed) and then is_NOT and then
(pred.node_type = reserved_predicate) and then
(pred.predicate /= rw_call)) then
done := false;
if trace_mode then
if failed then
trace_fail(pred, goal_tree, bindings, level, res_level, failed );
trace_exit(pred, goal_tree, bindings, level, res_level, failed );
end if;
end if;
if failed then -- we are underneath a NOT operator
current_truth := 1.0; -- like successful resolution
new_goals := new AST'(fuzzy_value, 0.0); -- which NOT will invert
end if;
-- Insert the new goals associated with this beast into the goal tree
insert(goal_tree, replace, modify, new_goals, level);
done := seek(goal_tree, bindings, (level+1));
exit when aborting;
if trace_mode then
if failed then
trace_fail(pred, goal_tree, bindings, level, res_level, failed );
trace_exit(pred, goal_tree, bindings, level, res_level, failed );
end if;
exit when aborting;
-- restore the goal tree so that trace_entry prints meaningful info
insert(goal_tree, replace, modify, pred, level);
end if;
if pred.node_type = reserved_predicate then
-- new_goals was constructed, and should now be discarded
if trace_mode then
release(new_goals, null); -- partial release
release(replace, null); -- full release
end if;
end if;
-- We've appended bindings to the front of the binding list. Release
-- these, but don't release any that were in bindings_ff
release(bindings, bindings_ff);
if cutting then
if res_level >= cutting_level then -- yes, it means us
cutting := false;
exit; -- can't resatisfy this predicate
end if;
end if;
bindings := bindings_ff;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- The goal_tree is drastically altered as predicates are resolved and
-- operators executed. Hence the need for our own local copy of the
-- complete AST structure which is the goal_tree. However, replicate
-- does not copy any structure referenced by the goal_tree (e.g. string
-- records and argument lists); rather it just points to the existing
-- ones. It is important that these items not be released when the local
-- copy of the goal tree is discarded. Also, when adding goals to the
-- tree as a result of resolution, rather than making an immediate copy
-- of these, a pointer into the rule_base is used. It would be disastrous
-- to destroy part of the rule base, so this part of the local goal_tree
-- (new_goals and lower) must not be released.
release(goal_tree, new_goals); -- we're done with our goal_tree
release(pred, null); -- a divorced segment of our goal_tree
-- Release all bindings created by this routine, but don't touch any
-- that were present when we were called
release(bindings, bindings_in);
return done;
end seek;
procedure start_prover is
current_truth := 1.0;
threshold := 0.1; -- default value
cutting := false;
aborting := false;
end start_prover;
procedure stop_prover is
end stop_prover;
procedure trace( set_trace : boolean ) is
trace_mode := set_trace;
end trace;
procedure trace_entry( pred, goal_tree : AST_ptr; bindings : binding_list ;
level, res_level : natural; failed : in out boolean ) is
value : float;
put('('); put(res_level,4); put(')'); put(": ");
put("Entering ");
if pred.node_type = predicate then
print_predicate(pred, 0, bindings, res_level);
else -- reserved_predicate
print_reserved(pred, 0, bindings, res_level);
end if;
put("Current truth/threshold: ");
put(current_truth); put('/'); put(threshold);
trace_print(goal_tree, bindings, failed);
end trace_entry;
procedure trace_exit( pred, goal_tree : AST_ptr; bindings : binding_list ;
level, res_level : natural; failed : in out boolean ) is
value : float;
put('('); put(res_level,4); put(')'); put(": ");
put("Exiting ");
if pred.node_type = predicate then
print_predicate(pred, 0, bindings, res_level);
else -- reserved_predicate
print_reserved(pred, 0, bindings, res_level);
end if;
put("Current truth/threshold: ");
put(current_truth); put('/'); put(threshold);
trace_print(goal_tree, bindings, failed);
end trace_exit;
procedure trace_fail( pred, goal_tree : AST_ptr; bindings : binding_list ;
level, res_level : natural; failed : in out boolean ) is
put('('); put(res_level,4); put(')'); put(": ");
put("Fail ");
if pred.node_type = predicate then
print_predicate(pred, 0, bindings, res_level);
else -- reserved_predicate
print_reserved(pred, 0, bindings, res_level);
end if;
put("Current truth/threshold: ");
put(current_truth); put('/'); put(threshold);
trace_print(goal_tree, bindings, failed);
end trace_fail;
procedure trace_print( goal_tree : AST_ptr; bindings : binding_list;
failed : in out boolean ) is
ans : string(1..70);
length : integer;
put("Trace -> ");
get_line(ans, length);
if length = 0 then
end if;
case ans(1) is
when ' ' | 'C' | 'c' =>
when 'A' | 'a' =>
aborting := true;
failed := true;
when 'F' | 'f' =>
failed := true;
when 'B' | 'b' =>
put_line("Current bindings are");
print_bindings(bindings, 4);
when 'G' | 'g' =>
put_line("Current goal tree is");
print_AST(goal_tree, 4);
when 'H' | 'h' | '?' =>
put_line("Trace commands are");
put_line(" <c/r>, <space>, or continue: continue execution");
put_line(" abort: abort current proof and return to prompt");
put_line(" bindings: print current binding list");
put_line(" fail: fail current goal and backtrack");
put_line(" goals: print current goal tree");
put_line(" help or ?: print this menu");
put_line(" notrace: turn off trace mode");
put_line(" truth: print current truth value and threshold");
when 'N' | 'n' =>
trace_mode := false;
when 'T' | 't' =>
put("Current truth/threshold: ");
put(current_truth); put('/'); put(threshold);
when others =>
put_line("Invalid command; enter ? for help");
end case;
end loop;
end trace_print;
procedure unify(predicate1, predicate2 : AST_ptr; res_level, level : natural;
bindings : in out binding_list; unified : out boolean) is
args1 : argument_ptr := predicate1.p_arguments;
args2 : argument_ptr := predicate2.p_arguments;
value1, value2 : argument_ptr;
level1, level2 : natural;
matched : boolean := true;
if predicate1.name.name = predicate2.name.name then -- there's a chance
while (args1 /= null) and matched loop
if args2 = null then
matched := false;
unify_arg(args1, args2, res_level, level, bindings, matched);
args1 := args1.next_arg;
args2 := args2.next_arg;
end if;
end loop;
if args2 /= null then
matched := false;
end if;
unified := matched;
end if;
end unify;
procedure unify_list(predicate1, predicate2 : p_list_ptr; res_level, level : natural;
bindings : in out binding_list; unified : out boolean) is
list1 : p_list_ptr := predicate1;
list2 : p_list_ptr := predicate2;
template : constant argument_ptr := new argument(prolog_list);
matched : boolean := true;
if list1 = null then
if list2 = null then
matched := true;
matched := false;
end if;
end if;
while (list1 /= null) and matched loop
if list2 = null then
matched := false;
unify_arg(list1.elt, list2.elt, res_level, level, bindings, matched);
if matched then
if list1.has_tail then
if list2.has_tail then
template.list := list2.next_elt;
end if;
elsif list2.has_tail then
template.list := list1.next_elt;
list1 := list1.next_elt;
list2 := list2.next_elt;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
if matched and (list1 = null) and (list2 /= null) then
matched := false;
end if;
unified := matched;
end unify_list;
procedure unify_arg(arg_node1, arg_node2 : AST_ptr; res_level, level : natural;
bindings : in out binding_list; unified : out boolean) is
temp_1, temp_2 : argument_ptr;
case arg_node1.node_type is
when character_lit =>
temp_1 := new argument'(character_lit, null, arg_node1.char);
when variable =>
temp_1 := new argument'(variable, null, arg_node1.var_name);
when integer_num =>
temp_1 := new argument'(integer_num, null, arg_node1.int_num);
when float_num =>
temp_1 := new argument'(float_num, null, arg_node1.fp_num);
when fuzzy_value =>
temp_1 := new argument'(float_num, null, arg_node1.fuzzy_num);
when predicate =>
temp_1 := new argument'(predicate, null, arg_node1.name,
when others =>
error(no_pointer, "invalid node to unify");
end case;
case arg_node2.node_type is
when character_lit =>
temp_2 := new argument'(character_lit, null, arg_node2.char);
when variable =>
temp_2 := new argument'(variable, null, arg_node2.var_name);
when integer_num =>
temp_2 := new argument'(integer_num, null, arg_node2.int_num);
when float_num =>
temp_2 := new argument'(float_num, null, arg_node2.fp_num);
when fuzzy_value =>
temp_2 := new argument'(float_num, null, arg_node2.fuzzy_num);
when predicate =>
temp_2 := new argument'(predicate, null, arg_node2.name,
when others =>
error(no_pointer, "invalid node to unify");
end case;
unify_arg(temp_1, temp_2, level, level, bindings, unified);
end unify_arg;
procedure unify_arg(arg1, arg2 : argument_ptr; res_level, level : natural;
bindings : in out binding_list; unified : out boolean) is
value1, value2 : argument_ptr;
level1, level2 : natural;
template1, template2 : AST_ptr := new AST'(predicate, null, null);
lookup(arg1, res_level, bindings, value1, level1);
lookup(arg2, level, bindings, value2, level2);
if (value1.is_a = variable) then
if value1.v_name /= null then -- not anonymous
if not ( (value2.is_a = variable) and then (value2.v_name = null) ) then
bindings := new binding'(value1.v_name,level1,value2,level2,bindings);
end if;
end if;
unified := true;
elsif value2.is_a = variable then
if value2.v_name /= null then -- not anonymous
bindings := new binding'(value2.v_name, level2, value1, level1, bindings);
end if;
unified := true;
elsif value1.is_a = value2.is_a then
case value1.is_a is
when character_lit =>
unified := (value1.char = value2.char);
when predicate => -- unify functors
if value1.name.name = value2.name.name then -- there's a chance
template1.name := value1.name;
template1.p_arguments := value1.p_arguments;
template2.name := value2.name;
template2.p_arguments := value2.p_arguments;
unify(template1, template2, level1, level2, bindings, unified);
unified := false;
end if;
when float_num =>
unified := (value1.fp_num = value2.fp_num);
when integer_num =>
unified := (value1.int_num = value2.int_num);
when prolog_list =>
unify_list(value1.list, value2.list, level1, level2, bindings, unified);
when variable => -- something is seriously wrong
error(no_pointer, "System error in Unify_Arg");
unified := false;
end case;
unified := false;
end if;
end unify_arg;
end prover;